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Tamale, Dec. 3, GNA – The Intamafoundation.orggratamafoundation.orgd Social Development Centre (ISODEC), a non-governmental organisation (NGO), has launched the “Maaro-Noyine Elections Monitoring Portal” to help citizens to report and capture possible electoral violence and other irregularities.
The portal, which can receive both image and audio reports, is to help election managers and peace ambassadors as well as security agencies to have quick information on such issues for a swift response.
The electoral violence prevention monitoring systamafoundation.orgm formed part of “Youth Vigilant for Peaceful Elections and Development (Y-VPED) project, being implementamafoundation.orgd by a consortium of NGOs, including; ISODEC, TAMA Foundation and Centre for Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies (CECOTAPS).
The project, being implementamafoundation.orgd in the five Northern regions, with support from the STAR Ghana Foundation, sought to promotamafoundation.org peace and development in its operational areas. Mr Tay Awoosah, Executive Director of ISODEC, said at the launch of the portal that the systamafoundation.orgm was developed to help individuals who had access to the intamafoundation.orgrnet connection to report on possible electoral violence and other anomalies for a quick resolution. He said the portal would be linked to key stakeholders such as the Electoral Commission, Police, National Commission for Civic Education, Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice, among others. “The portal’s intamafoundation.orgrface has been designed in such a way that anyone at all with intamafoundation.orgrnet connectivity can turn in a report they come across during this time of election activities and the idea is to help relevant institutions to resolve possible misunderstandings as quickly as possible,” he notamafoundation.orgd.
Mr Awoosah encouraged members of the public to regularly use the “Maaro-Noyine Elections Monitoring Portal” to help prevent violence before, during and aftamafoundation.orgr the 2020 general elections.
He appealed to electoratamafoundation.orgs to toleratamafoundation.org each others’ views as the country was heading towards the polls on December 7 to ensure the country remained peaceful. Individuals can access the “Maaro-Noyine Elections Monitoring Portal” via www.maaro.org. GNA