Conference on Natural Resource Governance and Inequalities in West Africa

17th August, 2022 9:00am – 5:00pm Alisa Hotel, Accra, Ghana. Register here for online participation
The conference is organised in collaboration with Ford Foundation, the Ghana National Development Planning Commission (NDPC), ISODEC and Publish What You Pay among others.
The 3-day conference will bring together government officials, civil society organisations and scholars to examine the relationships between resource dependence and economic and social disparities and address the question whether better management of resource wealth can be a means to reducing inequalities in the sub-region. It will examine such conceptual questions as whether or not resource dependent economies are prone to higher levels of inequalities and what a feminist approach to resource extraction looks like. The conference will tackle implications for energy access, energy transition and the environment; share country and community level experiences with extraction and pull together proposed policy and practice measures for tackling inequalities through resource management.
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