Our Work on Natural Resource Governance


TAMA Foundation Universal is dedicated to promoting effective natural resource governance in Northern Ghana. Our work centres on empowering local communities to actively participate in managing and benefiting from natural resources. By fostering transparency and accountability in resource exploitation, TAMA Foundation aims to ensure that the wealth generated contributes to local development and reduces conflicts over resources. A key focus of interest is also how to promote emvironmental justice in the extractive sector. This is done by building the capacities of rights holder ( women, youth and community leaders) to hold the duty bearers, including the related ministries, departments and agenices and local governance structures more accountable.

TAMA Foundation also provides capacity-building initiatives for community members, traditional leaders, and local authorities, focusing on sustainable environmental practices, resource management, and equitable sharing of benefits. Through research, advocacy, and policy engagement, TAMA Foundation Universal works to influence reforms that ensure natural resource governance is fair, inclusive, and environmentally sustainable for the long-term well-being of Northern Ghana.


Natural Resource Accountability in Northern Ghana Project (NaRAING) Phase 1

Phase one of NaRAING set out to achieve the following objectives:


  1. To enhance CSOs capacity in natural resource governance in Northern Ghana.
  2. To enhance capacity of community members to engage with extractive companies, government and policy makers in the interest of communities.
  3. To increase CSO capacity in monitoring and tracking revenue streams and use in the extractives industries in Northern Ghana.


  • Bongo, Talensi, Nabdam, Bawku West districts in the Upper East Region
  • Mampurugu Moaduri, West Mamprusi districts in the North East Region
  • Nadowli-Kaleo, and Wa East districts of the Upper West Region
  • Tatale, and Kumbungu districts in the Northern Region
  • Central Gonja district in Savanna Region


  • Ford Foundation
  • Centre for Public Interest Law (CEPIL)
  • Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, University for Development Studies, Tamale
  • SD Dombo University for Business and Integrated Development studies (SDD-UBIDS
  • District Assemblies
  • Regional Coordinating Councils
  • CSOs
  • Traditional Councils
  • Minerals Commission
  • Water Research Institute
  • Environmental Protection Agency

Key Achievements

  • Through the NaRAING phase 1 project, TAMA Foundation established valuable partnerships with key academic and Research institutions in natural resource governance. These include the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment of the University for Development studies (UDS), the SD Dombo University for Business and Integrated Development studies (SDD-UBIDS) and the Water Research Institute (WRI). These partnerships resulted in the production of high-level research publications in the natural resource governance space. They also supported in the capacity building programmes of CSOs, community members and other stakeholders involved in the mining value chain.
  • We established two important natural resource governance advocacy structures; the CSO platform of Natural Resource Governance in Northern Ghana with a membership of 50 CSOs and the Northern Ghana Journalists in Natural Resource Governance Platform. These platforms will improve transparency and accountability in the extractive sector in Ghana and safeguard the human rights of people in mineral rich communities.
  • Built the capacity of 300 community women, men and youth leaders to safeguard the interest of community members in the mineral rich communities in Northern Ghana.
  • Produced the “state of mining in Northern Ghana research report” that provides comprehensive data and information on mining in Northern Ghana, empowering CSOs and media with the needed information to demand transparent and accountable management of the mineral resources in Ghana.
  • Improved engagements between mining entities and community members in mining areas.
  • Established and trained 50 members of the Community Action Groups (CAPs)


1st June, 2021 to 31st October, 2022

 For detail information on this project and possible collaboration please contact

Executive Director, Dr. Chrys Anab

+233 24 482 1024




NaRAING II seeks to consolidate and deepen the results of NaRAING I with the following


  1. To reduce human rights abuses in mineral-rich communities in Northern Ghana
  2. To establish a strong Natural Resource Governance Platform in Northern Ghana
  3. To reduce natural resource conflicts in mining areas in Northern Ghana.
  4. To advocate for policy reforms in Natural Resource Governance in Ghana


  • Bongo, Talensi, Nabdam, Bawku West districts and Bolgatanga Municipal in the Upper East Region
  • Mampurugu Moaduri, West Mamprusi districts in the North East Region
  • Nadowli-Kaleo, Sisaala East and Wa East districts of the Upper West Region
  • Tatale, and Kumbungu districts in the Northern Region
  • Central Gonja district in Savanna Region


  • Ford Foundation
  • Centre for Public Interest Law (CEPIL)
  • Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, University for Development Studies, Tamale
  • SD Dombo University for Business and Integrated Development studies (SDD-UBIDS
  • District Assemblies
  • Regional Coordinating Councils
  • CSOs
  • Traditional Councils
  • Minerals Commission
  • Water Research Institute
  • Savannah Research & Advocacy Network (SRAN)
  • Wipe-AWAY Foundation

Key Achievements

  • 100 paralegals trained to assist mining communities claim rights and entitlements from mining companies.
  • 300 youths engaged and empowered to lead campaign against violent extremism and to demand transparent and accountable resource extraction and management
  • Through capacity building and advocacy engagements, 200 traditional leaders, made up chiefs, queen mothers, youth chiefs, and Tendaamas are now well positioned as natural resource accountability advocates, anti-radicalization and PVE champions.
  • Produced three (3) High level evidence-based research reports on:
  1. Natural resource conflicts in Northern Ghana
  2. Water quality and illegal mining
  • The costs and benefits of mining in Northern Ghana
  • Disseminated the research findings at high level forums with political makers and natural resource practitioners on attendance. The dissemination forums came out with clear actions to promote sustainable natural resource management.


April 2024- June 2025

For detail information on this project and possible collaboration please contact

Executive Director, Dr. Chrys Anab

+233 24 482 1024
